Title: kiss a sky. Author: florentineeggs Word count: 722 words. Concrit?: ♥ Pairing: Yoochun/Changmin Rating: G Summary: Paris is where things-that-never-happened happen. Author's Notes: this prompt actually made me want to draw a picture at first. so i did. and then i wrote something for it because this is a writing comm. drawn for
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title: my quiet satellite author: ianinna characters: jaejoong/yunho (jaejoong/everyone) word count: 892 concrit?: yes, please. summary: Can I hold you close? / Until we're out of focus / And everything I know / I don't even notice / When it all falls through / I'm here and I hear you author's notes: AU. rock band-ish. :D title and lyrics from
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title: bonne nuit Darling. author: pureuda. words: 487. concrit: hell yeah :| summary: yoochun, jaejoong, and the absence of words. notes: hello, i need to die. and an author tag. ♥
Title: Langue d'Amour Author: Rana Eros Word Count: 361 Concrit?: Of course. Summary: "I will speak to you in heart-language (answer me with a note of love)." Author's Notes: For the dbsk_flashfic challenge of "Je n'ai jamais su comment te parler." Eliza got to translate that, and then she got to beta. Summary inspired by Octavio Paz.
Title: You’ve got your hands all over my heart (we’re such a mess) Author: Reeza (aoireeza) Word count: 686 words Concrit?: sure. :D Pairing: JaeSu Rating: PG-16 Summary: Their words are all over the place. The challenge is having them strung together to form a sentence. (for dbsk_flashfic @ flashfic challenge 9: jamais su; for decays ♥)